Let's begin...

My name is Michael Cummings and I am very passionate about serving humanity and beyond. I love to heal through many different faucets whether it be teaching, energy medicine, or even simply connecting groups of like minds.

I have been doing diligent research, exploration, and collaboration for the past approxiomately 17 months. In that time I have attempted to "connect the dots" between all the information and experience out there from prophecy to philosophy, science to spirituality, and provide a recontexulized simple format of presenting and applying it. This site is dedicated to helping provide all people with one easy resource to come to for healing. This can be from healing the energy system, to the physical body, to mind, emotions, or spirit. I will make a sincere attempt to stay consistent with this site and keep it  updated with all the latest news. So, now that we're introduce a little bit, let's go!

My dear friend Clayton Kelleher is a very advanced healer who has been trained in numerous modalities. He has been a healer and teacher for over a decade now and is fantastic at what he does.

I have personally witnessed him instantly heal people with all sorts of ailments from liver failure to brain healing, hormonal balance, and energetics. Not only does he have a wide array of techniques, but he really takes the time to integrate all his knowledge, and has since come up many new methods of healing that are unheard of. He currently attends the University of Oregon where he was studying Physical Therapy, but is now in the Neuroscience Department. With his degree in nutrition, as well as his backround as a semi-pro MMA fighter, EMT/paramedic and of course his many certifications, he can effectively teach about and heal most things whether it is an emotional, physical, mental or spiritual conflict.

The price of each session usually ranges from around $50-100. This can fluctuate up or down depending on what is done.

You can email him here to set up an appointment. scorsting@netzero.net

He will discuss your particular situation with you, and provide the options for what actions could be taken, as well as the pricing involved. Then, before the appointment, you will just pay the agreed upon amount below. This payment must be confirmed before the appointment. And, wallah! Enjoy.


*email all inquiries to mdc_piro@hotmail.com



I will ususally reply within 48hrs.


Here is a compilation of some great resources for self-discovery, healing and evolution.

The Crew:

Gary Renard


Gary Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality, was born on the historic North Shore of Massachusetts. He became a successful professional guitar player, but during the harmonic convergence of 1987, he heard a Calling and began to take his life in a different direction. At the beginning of the 1990’s, he moved to Maine, where he underwent a powerful spiritual awakening. As instructed, he slowly and carefully wrote Disappearance over a period of nine years. In the fall of 2003, after much encouragement from other speakers and students, Gary began to present talks and workshops in public. His speaking career took off remarkably fast, and today he lectures internationally.

As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the "Holofractographic Universe."

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.

This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric, is a new solution to Einstein's Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis effects. Laying down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our current understandings of physics and consciousness, this groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences.

JZ Knight/Ramtha


Ramtha's School of Enlightenment (RSE) is a remarkable academy of the mind created by Ramtha the Enlightened One that offers Retreats and Workshops internationally to students from all over the world and from all walks of life. Using ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics, RSE teaches you how to access the extraordinary abilities of your brain to Become a Remarkable Life®

 For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. In doing so he has redefined our relationship to our inner and outer worlds, while sharing his life-affirming message of hope and possibility.

 David Wilcock


David Wilcock is considered by many to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. He has done extensive psychic type work as well as research and brings the information right out there, shedding new light for humanity. 

Let's talk a little bit about "sacred geometry". This stuff really works! That pretty much says it, but I'll elaborate...

Cory Herter is the creator and founder of this extremely advanced healing technology. After over 300 Near-Death-Experiences, he has gained tremendous knowledge, that has led to these colorful pictures that most people wouldn't even think twice about. But, there is extremely complex system of mathematics involved that has harnessed the power of vibration to activate the DNA and unock our true potential!

 Ok, now here's a quick glimpse into the story behind Cory. haha.

He was involved in a nearly-fatal car accident at the age of 10, suffering a severe brain injury and having his first Out of Body Experience. As a result, he lost his memory from before age 10, and second, the injury started the production and release of a chemical known as DMT. DMT is a hallucinogenic chemical produced in the Pineal Gland and exists within every living organism on the planet. Normally, this chemical only releases twice in your life; once at birth and once when you die. DMT is your link into the spiritual realms or the "other side."

This chemical released into his blood stream every 5 days for 5 years which totaled over 300 Near Death Experiences, each lasting from 4 – 12 hours, the longest one lasting over 4 days. Being infused with spiritual energy, Cory was lifted into states of consciousness and awareness that most of us can't even imagine. His story is crazier than any science fiction novel I have ever read! But wait, there is more. While on the "other side," he was given information and technology that he then used to heal his body and take him back into those higher states of consciousness.

Seriously though, forget the Tooth Fairy…  get real! Stick some L.O.V.E. Technology under your pillow and hold onto your seat! Bye-bye harmful stimulants and groggy-foggy moods and mind.

About 6 months ago I found this amazing technology online and signed-up for the free sample.  I got a digital download version to print out and try right away, a package in the mail with a bunch more to try, plus the fact that Cory and the crew really stand behind their product and are genuine in their quest to serve humanity. Also, not to mention, they have hours of free video that are amazing!

It's some pretty crazy stuff that's even been used by olympic athletes, hostpitals, and pro skaters. Wow, there is so much to say! I suggest just visiting the site and at the very least browse around and defitenly sign up for your "free Sacred G"!

Here's their web adress. :)


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